Ministerios hispanos - usa

Have you been asking God for an opportunity to get involved in missions, serve the global church, and follow Him outside your comfort zone? Are you ready to answer God with a "Here am I, send me!", or take a team to minister in a country other than your own? We want to help! Since its inception in 2009, The Awakening has led what we call open teams and custom teams to Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, the Dominican Republic, Malaysia, Australia, Haiti, Hungary, Wales, Belgium, Romania, and the Netherlands. Whether you are a student who's ready to serve cross-culturally or a student pastor who is ready to see what God will do in the lives of your youth over a week's time, we'll help get you there!

Open teams

Each year we organize two open teams. These teams provide opportunities for individuals desiring to join us on a trip, but aren’t part of a custom team, to do so. Due to the nature of open teams, members often meet each other for the first time on a connecting flight or upon arrival. It’s amazing how God can take a group of people who have never met before, unite them by His Spirit, and use them to make a difference in the lives of the people with whom they come into contact! 

Custom teams

If you’re a student pastor or leader desiring to take your students on a mission trip but don’t know where to begin, we would love to help design a trip that caters to your group. Our connections to the global church allow us to offer various locations where teams can be influential in supporting and encouraging IPHC ministers and leaders in their on-going ministries. Once a location is chosen, we will help your team get there. And, once on the ground, we will lead the team, allowing the pastor or leader to spend the week intentionally pouring into their students. All you have to worry about is fundraising. We take care of the rest.


If you are interested in receiving more information, click below to let us know!